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Terms of Use:

This site is a community effort to help understand HEX by visualizing and explaining various aspects of the HEX smart contract. Other than that there is no affiliation between HEX and Hexgraphs. All graphs on this site are downloadable for fair use only. It is all for free. HEX and Hexgraphs are All Rights reserved.


Everything expressed on this site is just personal opinion and not an advice for any kind of investment. Please do your own Due Dilligence.

HEX Disclaimer:

HEX is not a security. There aren't actually any coins, they're just numbers in a distributed database. No one is actually given anything. People can execute the code they choose, on their own, that changes some numbers in a counter. The code that edits some database values should only be modifiable by valid key holders who've signed a cryptographic message. Other code can be run by anyone if they like.

There is no common enterprise, there shall be no expectation of efforts of a promoter or third party. There is no expectation of profit from the work of others. People pay the Ethereum network to execute computations of their choosing, on their own. There is only an immutable compiled bytecode sitting on the Ethereum network. It can't be changed. They're just numbers living on the Internet. The code can do nothing on its own. People can run the code if they want to, or not. The code can do nothing on its own but sit there.

Users generate their own keys, no one else has keys to give them. Bonuses don't actually take anyone else's database values, they just add or subtract more or less database values based on the system state.

If you can, learn to code; or have the smartest coder or computer scientist you can find read over the code you plan to execute.

Blockchains, Smart contracts, and Cryptocurrencies, Are all cutting edge technologies, and as such, there is a risk, however small, of total failure. Software is hard. Computers are hard. Distributed software on distributed computers is harder. It's a miracle this stuff works at all. Strong cryptography seems unlikely to be broken, but if it is, everything will probably be broken.

Bitcoin Miners run computations and mint their own BTC reward if their computation matches what the network consensus code requires.

HEX Stakers run computations and mint their own HEX reward if their computation matches what the network consensus code requires.

In either network you can run your own code on your own machine, or pay someone else to run the code your choose for you to mint your reward. In Bitcoin the code lives in the node, in HEX the code lives in the node at a contract address. Paying a fee is paying someone to run your code.

HEX is not an airdrop or a fork. You mint your own coins when you FreeClaim using BTC or transform ETH into HEX. A wonderful innovation! An airdrop requires someone else control the coins and give them to you. A fork requires that some code exist and be forked.

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